Our Story

Our Story: Get To Know How Topper Press Was Invented

Do you know what making gravy has to do with your daily cup of joe? If not, let me tell you a story that will forever change the way you see your French press coffee maker.
You see, I love making coffee with my French press. Its the favorite part of my morning ritual.
It was just recently, however, that I became aware of a hidden danger lurking along the surface of the coffee – coffee scum. Coffee scum is the layer of coffee oil that floats on the surface of coffee. Numerous studies have found a connection between coffee oil and higher cholesterol levels.
Numerous studies have found a connection between coffee oils and higher cholesterol levels. And when you make coffee with a French press, the scum is the first part of the coffee poured into the cup because it floats on the top. Not only does that increase your cholesterol, they’re also bitter and can ruin your smooth coffee experience.
While I was pondering how I could keep my French Press ritual without risking my health, I had a "Eureka!" moment during the Thanksgiving holiday. I was making gravy by pouring the turkey drippings into a fat separator, and as I watched the oil float to the top in the fat separator, I thought to myself, “what if there was a bottom pour French press that poured rich coffee from the bottom of the container while leaving the oil and scum floating on the top?
But this simple question took me a long time to figure out, as there were technical hurdles. If the plunger pushes the coffee grounds to the bottom, and the spout is attached to the bottom of the container, how do we avoid the coffee grounds from clogging up the spout or going into it?
The answer was the spout filter and “sloped base”, and they were the keys to a revolutionary coffee experience.
Because of these features, the Topper Press is the world's first bottom-pour, spout filtered, sloped base French press! Inspired by the genius fusion of a fat separator and a French press, this game-changer keeps those pesky coffee oils away from your cup and your stomach.